Money Tips Everyone Should Know, From a Finance Writer
When I was in college, I interned in the marketing department of…
Should You Try The Pomodoro Technique?
The first time I learned about the Pomodoro Technique, I was standing…
5 Good Credit Card Habits To Make a Part of Your Routine
Using a credit card can feel equal parts scary and convenient. The…
How My Husband and I Reconciled Our Different Spending Habits
One of the first things my husband and I bonded over when…
How Manifesting Helped Me Land My Dream Job
At the beginning of 2022, I set a goal of landing a…
The Productivity Hacks I Swear By As Someone Who Is Self-Employed
Picture this: You leave your full-time job to freelance. Now, you can…
How to Approach Your Boss If You Want a Raise
You’re going to ask for a raise. Did your stomach just leap…
How To Make Large Purchases Without Going Into Debt
POV: You have received a save the date for your BFFs wedding.…
The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Understanding Health Insurance
You know all of those really important skills you should have learned…
5 Ways To Be Financially Productive Right Now
Balance is an essential element of living a well-rounded life. It’s why…